Producer Julie Plec spoilar om kärlekstriangeln för säsong 4 av The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries producer Julie Plec talade med TVLINE och har gett oss fans lite spoilers om vad vi kan förvänta oss för säsong 4. Det här hade Julie att säga om Stefan, Damon och Elena.


Elena’s transition into a vampire – and the remembrance of all the memories Damon erased – will have big consequences for her relationships with both Salvatores.All these things that she’s experienced with Damon and with Stefan will have different context for her as she’s becoming this new person, previews Plec. This circumstance, which is pretty horrific, is going to make them all care about each other even more deeply and argue even more intensely and fracture even more greatly and love as deeply as possible.


Although Damon is back to his Season 1 ways, it’s certainly not the end of Delena, as anyone might be afraid, insists Plec. In fact, in a way, it’s the beginning of the beginning. But just because Elena now remembers Damon’s confession of love and that she met him first doesn’t mean she’ll be regretting her decision to stick with Stefan. I wouldn’t want her to be so fickle, says the EP.  However, the regained knowledge willimbed itself in her brain a little bit. As she continues to look at herself and her relationship and friendship with Damon, it’s all those new pieces of information that will be important along the way.



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